woensdag 17 september 2014

Over propaganda en journalistiek (aanbeveling)

Boeiend artikel over 'onze' berichtgeving. In het informatietijdperk worden oorlogen niet alleen militair uitgevochten, maar meer en meer ook via publieke opinie en desinformatie.

"De verraderlijke kracht van propaganda" - over de escalerende crisis in Oekraïne en de kritiekloze journalistiek in Europa

Aanvulling (18 september 2014): nog een interessant artikel over oorlogsverslaggeving.
"War is what happens to the people caught in the warzone, and those people are mainly civilians, often refugees, who are thought to make up nearly 90 percent of casualties in conflict now, according to researchers."
"The reality is that this kind of disconnect, exacerbated by a lack of media coverage, exists all over the world. From Guatemala to Afghanistan, we hear about only a slice of what makes up “war.” And, importantly, media attention shapes diplomatic and military response. So when the media gives its airtime or column inches to something like chemical weapon use in Syria rather than rape as a weapon of war, that is what will draw a possible intervention or even medical aid. One is a red line; the other is not."
"Re-conceiving war: Stopping a cycle of violence depends on how we prioritize it"

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